本公司是一家致力于新型卫浴洁具研制开发的生产企业,集研发生产、销售于一体,拥有专业的生产流水线,严格执行品质管理,开发出品牌的系列精品。 本公司一直以崇尚自然,追求品质生活为设计理念,引进先进的工艺技术,融合天然环保材料,赋予高贵典雅的外观造型,产品深受消费者青睐,掀起了卫浴洁具革命性的新时尚。 多年来,我司始终以“卓越品质”为目标,以“诚信经营”为宗旨,不断优化产品品质,同时积极吸引国外先进的技术精萃和营销理念,加强人才管理,以科学严谨的服务体系,深度高效的营销支持,竭诚与海内外客商携手共进,开创新好明天,缔造人类新生活的奇妙和谐。 Our Construction Ceramics Factory is a production enterprise dedicating in researching and developing new style of bathroom product series with professional production lines and by strictly sticking to quality control. Our Construction Ceramics Factory products adopt a designing concept of respecting nature and seeking quality life, is manufactured with state of art technology from spain and ltaly, which is Combined with natural environmental protection material. They have elegant and classic appearance and are popular among consumers, ead the revolutionary new fashion in the industry of bathroom product. For many years, Our Construction Ceramics Factory always sticks to the objective of Excellent Quality and to the tenet of Faithful Operation, keeping prtimizing product quality while at the same time Human resource construction. It has scientific and preciseservice system, extensive maketing support with high efficiency domestic and foreign busineess men to progres-stogether, to create a better tomorrow and to create the amazingly harmonious new life.